- Hugely expanded range of detail options covering original and 'composite loading gauge' GNR cabs, GNR or LNER tenders, LNER side-window cab, right/left hand drive, original Dia 2 or Dia 100A boiler, two chimney/smokebox options, two buffer styles, low running plate 'O2/1', 'O2/2' and 'O2/4' variants
- Improved motion/valve gear
- Modified loco/tender coupling
- Improved handrails with turned metal handrail knobs
- Finer decoration with a much higher level of detail, especially inside the cab.
Version 3 - Gresley LNER/BR 'O2/2'
3900: LNER lined black No. 3501 (GN cab/tender/Dia 2 boiler)
3901: BR late crest black No. 63937 (GN cab/LNER flush-sided tender/Dia 2 boiler) WEATHERED
3902: BR early emblem black No. 63933 (GN cab/tender/Dia 2 boiler)
3903: BR late crest black No. 63940 (GN cab/tender/Dia 2 boiler)
3904: BRITISH RAILWAYS black No. 63938 (GN cab/tender/Dia 2 boiler)
Version 4 - Gresley GNR/LNER/BR 'O2/1'
3930: GNR lined grey No. 477 (GN high cab/tender/Dia 2 boiler)
3931: LNER black No. 3481 (GN high cab/tender/Dia 2 boiler)
3932: LNER post-war black No. 3481 (LNER cab/GN tender/Dia 2 boiler)
3934: BR late crest black No. 63923 (LNER cab/stepped tender/Dia 2 boiler)
Version 5 - Gresley LNER/BR 'O2/4'
3940: LNER wartime black No. 3479 (LNER cab/GN tender/Dia 2 boiler)
3941: BR early emblem black No. 63924 (LNER cab/GN tender/Dia 100 boiler) WEATHERED
3942: BR early emblem black No. 63945 (LNER cab/GN tender/Dia 100 boiler)
3943: BR late crest black No. 63932 (LNER cab/GN tender/Dia 100 boiler)
Please note that these are pre-production decoration samples (some of which are not 100% complete), subject to modification and improvement and not indicative of the final production models. Running samples will now undergo an extensive period of test running in various environments to ensure that they meet the standards Heljan require.