Hornby produce a range of OO Gauge steam locomotives pre-fitted with their advanced new steam generator system as well as premium DCC Sound features to boot!
Various popular locomotives are available now including the iconic 'Flying Scotsman', 'Hush Hush' and others, with even more expected to follow along in the future too.
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How Does IT WORK?
Hornby steam generators are ultrasonic devices that create a mist of cold water vapor to make it look like a locomotive is emitting steam.
How it works
The steam generator is located in the locomotive's boiler. To fill the generator, you can use the pipette that comes with the model to add up to 5 milliliters of water into the small hole behind the smokebox door. When the sound function is turned on, the steam generator produces steam.
How it's controlled
The steam output is controlled by a decoder, such as the HM7000 decoder, which can be synced with the locomotive's wheel speed and piston action. This ensures that the steam and sound effects happen in time with the locomotive's movements.
How it looks
When the locomotive is stationary, it emits wisps of steam from the chimney. When the locomotive is moving, the steam billows in time with the onboard sounds.