Hornby have revealed a number of new decorated samples for forthcoming locomotives, multiple units and wagons in OO Gauge!
Many of these items are due to arrive in stock between now and May 2025, so there isn't long left to wait for these exciting new models. Check out all of the project updates below and find links to pre-order yours!
Rail 200 Southeastern Class 395 EMU
Hornby have now been able to unveil the decorated samples for their new Railway200 themed Class 395 EMU train pack and accompanying extra coach packs! These are presented in the updated Southeastern high speed colour scheme and come complete with special Railway200 celebration graphics.
NEW Batch of Class 91 Electrics
Due in stock soon is Hornby's latest batch of Class 91 electric locomotives in OO Gauge! These two new models will cover both BR Intercity Swallow and GNER blue liveries, with fresh names and running numbers. We expect these to come into stock during the next month.
New Dublo Diecast LNER Class A4 4-6-2
Also expected to arrive within the next month is Hornby's latest Dublo Diecast edition LNER Class A4 4-6-2 locomotive in OO Gauge! This new model showcases 'Dominion of New Zealand' in the elegant LNER garter blue livery.